
Living room
Dining Room

Founded in 1978 by architect Nicola Galbiati, MOGG embodies a fusion of art and design, marked by a commitment to innovation and a playful yet distinct identity. With a focus on unlimited design possibilities, MOGG’s creations blend handmade artistry with industrial precision, offering a middle ground between tradition and ongoing research.

MOGG’s philosophy centers on breaking away from conventional furniture norms, seeking partners who share a love for contemporary living. The brand’s diverse selection, from padded poufs to metal tables, appeals to a cultured clientele, combining aesthetic, emotion, and functionality.

Located in a refurbished Lombard farmhouse, MOGG’s factory serves as both a creative hub and an exhibition space, blending historical elements with modern design. The building’s dynamic layout reflects MOGG’s ethos of continuous evolution and innovation, showcasing a diverse range of furniture and objects that embody the brand’s unique style and attention to detail.

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